DSC00984.JPG (47/112):
46: DSC00983.JPG
45: The pour begins
44: DSC00981.JPG
43: DSC00980.JPG
42: DSC00978.JPG
41: Concrete truck unfolding
40: DSC00976.JPG
39: Ready to pour Floor and stub wall
38: DSC00973.JPG
37: DSC00945.JPG
48: DSC00985.JPG
49: DSC00986.JPG
50: Steel arrived and I've rolled it off the truck
51: DSC01054.JPG
52: Steel lined up to move on to posts.
53: A temple of posts
54: DSC01057.JPG
55: Tearing out brick sidewalk
56: DSC01059.JPG
57: Temporary downspout - water drainage was a constant nightmare.