(110/185) 2024-04-07_21-25-58.jpg
Trying to alingn the compound to a MT3 taper. Didn't work well.
109: 2024-04-07_21-19-01.jpg
108: Trying to set lathe to cut a MT3 taper.. 123-block against the side of the compount against the MT2 end of a test bar. I think I can take a trial cut on some stock - and use the trig angle finder of the DRO
107: Coffee tree is blooming..
106: printing controler parts
105: This is a second project of his - searching for a way to put hall sensors on old controllers.
104: Close up - I'm going to polish a flat spot - see how it looks?
103: The steel as an impressive print - only $60
102: The gray items are printed metal. The clear - printed plastic - for Nikolaus's controller business.
101: Found several 4mm Allen wrenches.
100: Just shaved off what I could. Once it was milled - I Indicated on a MT3-testbar - was still off a bit. Did the final tweak with a file across the two sides - protected the good side with adhesive aluminum tape. Then hit with a PGS.
111: Trying to alingn the compound to a MT3 taper. Didn't work well.
112: Eclipse via glasses filter
113: MT3 sketch
114: Too much ink - ended up failing
115: Cut off - made stub to hold welding a 4140 shaft..
116: If you do the math - it is obvious that this DRO is junk.
117: Making clamps to hold lathe shelf
118: Making clamps to hold lathe shelf
119: Making clamps to hold lathe shelf
120: Turning welded on 4140 to MT3