(202/364) 2023-05-19_20-40-05.jpg
It has a big chip out of it that wasn't in the picture when I bought it.. I will weld some nickle into it and use the so-grinder to match it up..
201: I put the insert number on this mill head with the engraver Art gave me..
200: This moves too much?
199: 2023-05-18_20-41-31.jpg
198: Tapping without a tap holder
197: Final cut on the indicator joint using the 60° cutter Art gave me..<smile>
196: Cutting a flat
195: Kurt vice on the surface plate - about 10um low on one side.
194: 2023-05-13_21-08-45.jpg
193: Cutting
192: Profiling the T-nut
203: TIG work
204: Matching the T-nut up with the compound.
205: Getting close
206: Slow feed rate for nice finish..
207: the Top wasn't perfectly flat - took off 10um to make it better..
208: Finnaly a tool holder that adjusts for height.
209: Dissasembly for installing cross-slide lock
210: Dissasembly for installing cross-slide lock
211: Documenting incase I want to try to install a ball-screw
212: Cast iron drills so easy.