(54/364) 2023-02-03_18-12-23.jpg
Top of the spindle - dashed lines show the edge of the wide flat on the oil pan. High places on the left - someone ground them down - but not enough.
53: Bottom of the oil sump - wide band of flat - -.002" measured on the surface plate. (not the main problem)
52: OK - found my good parrellel ( flat on all sides unlike my other ones) It Rocks!!! I think I finaaly figgured out my problem.
51: Moving to big bench
50: Once again
49: Some of what came out of the BRAND-NEW Precision-Mathews lathe transmission.
48: Waiting for the 80TPI screw.
47: Much better
46: Clearance is clearance..
45: got close enough to the screw head to make me nervous.
44: 2023-01-25_20-55-59.jpg
55: Setting bore gauge
56: Pretty close for an amature
57: Another project - the handles are too big.
58: Z encoder - made plastic blocks to keep expoxy out of the screw holes.
59: spindle read head - making blocks to keep epoxy out of the screw-holes
60: Junyi - cheng/ shuo\ and Aloon
61: Junyi - cheng/ shuo\ and Aloon
62: Junyi - cheng/ shuo\ and Aloon
63: Bad DRO - the Axis should be Z and X No way to fix.
64: Glued disk to faceplate - thinning to target to set the play in the mill's transmission's main shaft stack-up