(207/325) 2022-10-25_20-58-54.jpg
Acetone bottle melted needle - Now using the one Art gave me..
206: Disassembeled Bore gage Standard #3
205: Mitutoyo - Hiator-II - Supramess in disguise.- New lens..
204: Little Schmoo dispensors.
203: Starrett height gade disassembeled
202: Starrett height gage before restore
201: blocks - left and right - syncronize the pair of steppers that control Z. Real important that the bar is parrelle to the build plate for the first layer.
200: Milling a pair of blocks for calibrating 3d printer.
199: B&S 1025 This is the new battery- trim-taped to the bottom. The old system had clips that were bent - might have shorted out the circuit board?
198: B&S 1025 thought the switch part was bad - not the type you can solder to - so replaced with tact switches. Still not right.
197: I now have 4 fully restored Millimess - I also have a Supramess - and another one on it's way.
208: Restored Starrett adjustable parallels. Grobet #4 file work on bent corners.
209: Need to make indicator holder so I can test squareness.
210: lots of schmoo!
211: Calibrating the veniers
212: drilling 1.4mm hole with peck cycle
213: Made apin wrench to disassemble Marh snap gauge.
214: 2022-10-27_16-31-19.jpg
215: Full disassembly
216: Rightangle gauge idea
217: 2022-10-29_12-37-34.jpg