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56: water drain goes to filter so the drain valve doesn't get plugged..
55: The never ending nightmare of a compressed air system.
54: The never ending nightmare of a compressed air system.
53: Deckel clone - U2 grinder If you look at the bottom where the blue and metal meet - they put in a helicoil - and poped out where is shouldn't be..
52: Deckel clone - U2 grinder The knob on the left grips on threads - I put in a bit of brass rod. The gib falls out if changing heads - put a bit of RTV to see if it will stay in place.
51: Deckel clone - U2 grinder Tiny way slide - a bit wonky
50: Deckel clone - U2 grinder
49: Used for inking ruler.
48: Inked with solid stick.
47: torque screw drivers are the deal..
58: Part of U2-deckel style grinder
59: Books I've read
60: I made a wheel tool for the D-bit Deckel style grinder.
61: Open tubes of RTV(silicone caulk) won't plug up if stored with a desicant (blue stuff on the bottom).
62: Modifying D-bit - Deckel style grinder.. Vaccum is manditory - lots of open parts that get coated in grit.. Need to clean befor moving and adjustment.
63: 1/2" loc-line for gooseneck light and vacuum.
64: Making loc-line attachment for lamp
65: Making loc-line attachment for lamp
66: Computer case with SLOW and quite fan.
67: milimess 1um with release