
1: 1850s_to_1860s_Tintype-Jacob_F_Wolford.jpg

2: Great-Grandma Wolford’s mother

3: 1860sq_Tintype-David_M_Pitt.jpg

4: 1870s_Tintype-Sarah_Amanda_Pitt_and_father-David_Pitt.jpg

5: 1870sq_Tintype-Frances_Pitt-Sarah_Amandas_sister.jpg

6: JF Wolford was born in 1842

7: 1871_to_1872Tintype-Sarah_Amanda_Pitt-age-18.jpg

8: Selden Paulk’s parents

9: Selden Paulk’s mother

10: 1900_to_1910s_Sarah_Amanda_and_Jacob_F_Wolford_and_family

11: 1900q_Lucinda_Paulk_Dawson-John_Paulks_aunt.jpg

12: 1910_to_1915_John_Paulk.jpg

13: 1910s_Mary-Jim-Clara_Paulk.jpg

14: 1916_John_and_Viola_Paulk_newlyweds.jpg

15: 1920_John_Paulk_and_daughter_Selda.jpg

16: 1921_Sarah_June_Paulk-high-school-graduation.jpg

17: 1921_Sarah_June_Paulk_age_2.jpg

18: 1921_Selda_Paulk_age_2.jpg

19: 1921_Selda_Paulk_age_2_b.jpg

20: 1924q_Martha_Jane_and_Seldon_Paulk-grandchildren_Emerine_and_Sam_Alle

21: 1925_Selda_Paulk_age_6.jpg

22: 1930_John_Eldon_Paulk_infant.jpg

23: with Uncle Jim (?), Aunt Meda is to GGPaulk’s immed. right; Aunt Grace (?) to her immed. left.

24: 1930s_Sarah_Amanda_Pitt_Wolford.jpg

25: 1934_Selda_Paulk_Grauerholz.jpg

26: 1937-00-00-a.jpg

27: 1937q_Selda-Ila-June_Paulk.jpg

28: photo taken by Pat Barelli

29: photo taken by Pat Barelli

30: 1941-09-07_Selda_Paulk-Alvin_Grauerholz_wedding.jpg

31: 1943-06-00_Paul_Miller_and_Ila_Paulk.jpg

32: 1943-12-07_Ila_and_Paul_Miller_wedding_day.jpg

33: 1943-12-07_Ila_Paulk_Miller_wedding_day.jpg

34: 1943-12-07_Paul_and_Ila_Paulk_Miller-wedding-day.jpg

35: 1943-12-07_Paul_and_Ila_Paulk_Miller_wedding_day_2.jpg

36: 1943-12-07_Paul_and_Ila_Paulk_Miller_wedding_day_with_minister.jpg

37: 1943-12-07Paul_Miller_on_wedding_day.jpg

38: 1943_or_1933_Paul_Miller.jpg

39: 1943_or_1933_Paul_Miller_and_crew.jpg

40: 1943_to_1944_paul_Millers_crew.jpg

41: Software: Microsoft Office

42: Software: Microsoft Office

43: 1944_Ila_Paulk_Miller.jpg

44: 1945_Paul_Miller_obituary.jpg

45: 1953_John_Paulk_and_grandson_James_Grauerholz.jpg

46: 1953q_Selda_Paulk_Grauerholz_about.jpg

47: 1954_John_Paulk_about.jpg

48: 1954q_Viola_Wolford_Paulk.jpg

49: 1970s_Jennie_B_DiSimone_and_Grace_Paulk_Hutchinson.jpg

50: 54th wedding anniversary- Married June 10, 1951

51: 54th wedding anniversary- Married June 10, 1951

52: 54th wedding anniversary- Married June 10, 1951

53: Cephas_Paulk_brother_of_Selden.jpg

54: photo was labeled “Clarissa Paulk;” if this is Selden’s sister Clarissa, it was taken in 1850s; if it’s his daughter Clara, it was taken in 1900s – someone who knows fashions of the era could say – looks more like 1900s to me,

55: GGma Wolford’s father

56: Genealogy_form.jpg

57: IMG_3166.png

58: IMG_3167.png

59: IMG_3168.png

60: IMG_3169.png

61: IMG_3170.png

62: IMG_3171.png

63: IMG_3172.png

64: IMG_3173.png

65: IMG_3174.png

66: IMG_3175.png

67: IMG_3179.png

68: Grandpa & Grandma Paulk early in their marriage. 1305 W. 8th Street

69: John and Viola Paulk

70: IMG_3206.png

71: great-grandmother Sarah Amanda, with Aunt Selda as a baby.

72: John and Viola Paulk

73: Probably John and Viola Paulk

74: John and Viola Paulk 1304 W. 8th Street Coffeyville, KS

75: Selda Paulk?

76: IMG_3212.png

77: great-grandmother Sarah Amanda, with Aunt Selda as a baby.

78: Viola Paulk on right - her children in the car?

79: John and viola Paulk

80: Probably Viola Paulk?

81: Grampa John Paulk in his car.

82: IMG_5790.png

83: IMG_5796.png

84: None

85: IMG_5838.png

86: Viola Wolford age 12 in 1909 Born 1897

87: IMG_5916_v1.png

88: IMG_5917.png

89: IMG_5917_v1.png

90: Viola Wolford age 12 in 1909 Born 1897

91: IMG_5933_v1.png

92: IMG_5934.png

93: IMG_5934_v1.png

94: Martha_Jane_and_Selden_Paulk_with_Porters_in_AR

95: Tintype-labeled_by_Viola_Paulk-Uncle_Bill_Pitt.jpg