(58/95) IMG_3167.png
57: IMG_3166.png
56: Genealogy_form.jpg
55: GGma Wolford’s father
54: photo was labeled “Clarissa Paulk;” if this is Selden’s sister Clarissa, it was taken in 1850s; if it’s his daughter Clara, it was taken in 1900s – someone who knows fashions of the era could say – looks more like 1900s to me,
53: Cephas_Paulk_brother_of_Selden.jpg
52: 54th wedding anniversary- Married June 10, 1951
51: 54th wedding anniversary- Married June 10, 1951
50: 54th wedding anniversary- Married June 10, 1951
49: 1970s_Jennie_B_DiSimone_and_Grace_Paulk_Hutchinson.jpg
48: 1954q_Viola_Wolford_Paulk.jpg
59: IMG_3168.png
60: IMG_3169.png
61: IMG_3170.png
62: IMG_3171.png
63: IMG_3172.png
64: IMG_3173.png
65: IMG_3174.png
66: IMG_3175.png
67: IMG_3179.png
68: Grandpa & Grandma Paulk early in their marriage. 1305 W. 8th Street