DSC01168.JPG (77/112):
76: Note crane counter weight.
75: DSC01165.JPG
74: DSC01164.JPG
73: DSC01161.JPG
72: DSC01153.JPG
71: DSC01152.JPG
70: Power line would get in the way. Extension on crane for placing stubs.
69: DSC01150.JPG
68: Cutting. lifting, placing, welding these stubs took forever.
67: Readjusting first beam Everything has to match up to an 1/8th of an inch.
78: Steel painted white!
79: DSC01350.JPG
80: DSC01351.JPG
81: DSC01352.JPG
82: More brace points - lots of welds.
83: DSC01354.JPG
84: DSC01355.JPG
85: DSC01479.JPG
86: DSC01480.JPG
87: Power trench