(134/185) 2024-05-08_14-40-39.jpg
133: 2024-05-07_21-09-01.jpg
132: This screen was too tight - too much water went out.
131: Making rain drain trash seperator
130: Turning for MT3 tool holder
129: Next job - these are ER32 collet holders with a 32mm shank - need to turn them down to 30mm.
128: Kwik-Switch 200 with a MT3 shank
127: Just needed a tweak..
126: Dropped my test indicator.. jamed up.
125: All is well that ends well - I now have a Kwik-Switch 200 with a MT3 shank.
124: Need to add metal to the tang. Have a MT3 to MT5 adaper on it for heat sink - as well as a copper block.
135: Welded up hex shaft need turning
136: Ended up OK
137: Remaking the hex shaft
138: Takes too much time to repair..
139: My old hex extender has a new life
140: Starting work on milling T-nuts
141: Never found the data sheet. Trying to fix my FM transmitter to filter out 400mzh noise..
142: 2024-07-13_20-26-35.jpg
143: 2024-07-13_20-27-12.jpg
144: Sunset below Clinton lake dam