(40/185) 2024-02-05_19-03-43.jpg
What is a BR unit?
39: Hadness tester
38: Instructions
37: The left dial reads in kGf (black numbers) Right reads 1mm = 1 BR unit?
36: More micrometers
35: Could be I have some kind of addition for micrometers.
34: Ebay find! Very good condition - carbide anvils.
33: 2024-02-02_17-43-05.jpg
32: Cheap toy micrometer - need to fix the anvil faces.
31: Cutting the 45°
30: Coffee beans
41: Lots of material to remove to get to 25mm
42: Ebay find - I don't think it was ever used. 1/4" endmill holder.
43: Turning the solid tool post
44: Finished - deburred
45: 2024-02-10_23-05-08.jpg
46: Part number of damaged scale
47: Inked the cross-slide dovetails
48: Balanced the 4- jaw (wheel weights!)
49: The idea is to turn the B&S#9 into A MT3 .. Should work.
50: Looks like a 60° tapper - hard to confirm.