(25/185) 2024-01-29_21-41-49.jpg
Needed a large micrometer - The whole box was frozen! - big side job.. Not the right lube in these.
24: Time to turn the tool post stock
23: Made a snug fitting thread.
22: Ready to thread
21: Chasing the DRO problem.
20: Counter bores milled out..
19: 9mm holes drilled
18: All cleaned up - probably should add a thrust bearing. The bottom plate can double as end stops on either side.
17: covered in saw dust - some rust on part of it. Chinese kit.
16: box came in the mail
15: Centered under the spindle.
26: Acetone in the clamp hole helped
27: Alluminum Snug protects the spindle
28: Alluminum Snug protects the spindle
29: Next cut now that I have a micrometer working.
30: Coffee beans
31: Cutting the 45°
32: Cheap toy micrometer - need to fix the anvil faces.
33: 2024-02-02_17-43-05.jpg
34: Ebay find! Very good condition - carbide anvils.
35: Could be I have some kind of addition for micrometers.