(276/364) 2023-07-16_22-18-10.jpg
275: Welded polyurathane belt..
274: Made a snug pully on this end
273: 2023-07-15_18-09-23.jpg
272: 2023-07-15_17-27-43.jpg
271: Touch-probe - waiting for a couple of last parts.
270: Touch-Probe construction -
269: harddrive bearing I think it is an air bearing - 7,200 RPM for more than 10 years..
268: harddrive bearing There are tiny holes in the very small 3.5mm shaft - these holes intersect a hole that goes through the shaft.
267: harddrive bearing Sawed into two halves - there is a rubber washer in the middle
266: harddrive bearing You can see the tiny machine welding
277: Mike's ex lathe..
278: Mike's ex lathe..
279: Mike's ex lathe..
280: Turned the warped rollers so they are round -
281: made a slot in it so I can change the sandpaper with out disassembling everything.
282: Still no joy - the stainless steel dowel pins needed a brazed blob to solder - but the rods make poor contacts. Silver plate or get some brass rods?
283: Now with brass dowel pins - works fine!
284: M5 thread mill - Note the tips are rounded. One needs to know the diameter IF the tips came out to a point.
285: Fixed this with a Chinese M1.6 tip - had to turn a shoulder to extend the thread length.
286: Got this nice metric Mitutoyo thread mike - had to steel Anvils from an English PAV micrometer that I want to sell..