This information HAS errors and is made available WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND and without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. It is not permissible to be read by anyone who has ever met a lawyer or attorney. Use is confined to Engineers with more than 370 course hours of engineering.
If you see an error contact:
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There has been a change (march of 07?? - with etch?) you need to add to /etc/mysql/my.cnf
expire_logs_days = 15
Some time in days that would be more than your back up time would make sense.
The mySQL Query Browser allows one to double click on a table to return the listing.
Next , select File/Export result set/as CSV.
The named file can be edited in gnumeric.
Saving as CSV causes only the displayed values to get exported - no
formulas or functions are stored - if you need theses save as a
spreadsheet file first..
Make a copy of the old table with a SQL query:
create table table_name_new Like table_name;
Now delete the old data:
Delete from `table_name_new`
Now load the new table with the new data
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path/newdata.csv' INTO TABLE table_name_new FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (field1, filed2, field3);
The last line can be left off if the data is in order and the line before as well if it is on a Linux system.
On the test server:
mysqldump -ppassword --opt --single-transaction db_name --tables table_name1 table_name2 > filename.sql
Move filename.sql over to the live server and -
mysql -u root -ppassword db_name < filename.sql
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