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Adduser/group cheat-sheet

# Create group first.. Best to make group and user ID the same on all machines. 

$ addgroup --gid ID group ; create a group with correct id ID = gid number $ usermod -a -uid ID -G group-name username ;add group name to user ID=UID number $ adduser --home DIR --shell /bin/bash --uid ID --gid ID --add_extra_groups user ; ID - group and user ID numbers $ deluser user
Any time you make changes - might be a good idea to run pwck and grpck
killall -u old
id old
usermod -l new old
groupmod -n new old
mv /home/old /home/new
usermod -d /home/new -m new
usermod -c “New Real Name” new
id new

The above could easily be made into a script. Make sure the incoming mail server is updated for that local-part.

Change user and group ID

old UID: 1005
Foo’s new UID: 2005
Our sample group name: foo
Foo’s old GID: 2000
Foo’s new GID: 3000
To assign a new UID to user called foo, enter:
$ usermod -u 2005 foo
To assign a new GID to group called foo, enter:
$ groupmod -g 3000 foo

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