(4/229) 1870_Patent_6306_to_Gottfried_Schmidt.jpg
3: 1870_Contract_of_Gottfried_Schmidt_Purchase.jpg
2: 11ReadFirst.png
1: Alfred Schmidt in World War I uniform about 1919, on the family farmstead. Wood pile was stacked along the driveway; "chicken barn" is visible in background.
5: 1871_Bottom_of_Deed_Chas_G_to_Gottfried.jpg
6: 1871_Contract_of_Chas_G_Schmidt_Purchase.jpg
7: 1871_Patent_6616_to_Chas_G_Schmidt.jpg
8: 1871_Top_of_Deed_Chas_G_to_Gottfried.jpg
9: Hannah Schmidt Eggert and her mother, Wilhelmina Preppernau Schmidt, about 1885. Wilhelmina was also the mother of Fred W. Schmidt, grandmother of Alfred L. Schmidt, and great-grandmother of Claude & Ruben Schmidt.
10: 1885-02-06_Anna_fredirica_Kucksdorf_Great_grama_Schmidt_18_weddingday.jpg
11: assuming this is the other half of their wedding day picture, it was 1885-02-06 (he was 22 – born May 1863)
12: 1893_Back_of_Deed_Aufust_G_to_FW_Schmidt.jpg
13: 1893_Deed_August_G_to_FW_Schmidt.jpg
14: Alfred L. Schmidt about 1910.