Irmgard Schmidt shows off how gentle the family dog, Tippy, is with a litter of kittens.

70: Irmgard Ruhbusch Schmidt in her flower garden behind the farm house, about 1946.

69: Irmgard Ruhbusch Schmidt tends the garden behind the farm house, c. 1946.

68: Irmgard Ruhbusch Schmidt shows off Tippy's skills at the farm house back porch, about 1946.

67: Irmgard Ruhbusch Schmidt and the family dog, Tippy, about 1946.

66: Claude Schmidt works on the photo album for his parents that this photo was mounted in. It used an iron-on adhesive to display the photos on the black pages. About 1946, probably in his student room on the UW campus.

65: UW undergraduate Claude Schmidt weighs something.

64: Claude Schmidt circa 1946.

63: Claude Schmidt in the lap of the Lincoln statue in front of Bascom Hall on the University of Wisconsin campus. In those days, coeds would always walk behind the statue, because the students claimed that Lincoln would stand up if a virgin walked in front of him!

62: Claude Schmidt circa 1946.

61: Claude Schmidt about 1946, probably in Madison, Wisconsin.

72: Schmidt family farm outhouse and the smoke house built by Alfred's father Fred W. Schmidt, about 1936, when the smoke house was no longer in use.

73: 1946 - the old milk house attached to the cow barn on the Schmidt family farm.

74: 1946 - tearing down the old milk house in preparation for building a new one.

75: 1946 - the old milk house is nearly gone.

76: 1946 - the framework of the new milk house is visible on the left, as the outline of the old milk house is still seen on the side of the cow barn.

77: 1946 - the new milk house is taking shape.

78: 1946 - Alfred Schmidt puts finishing touches on the new milk house attached to the cow barn on his farm, with "help" from Tippy. That MAY be his wife Irmgard next to him on the roof.

79: Alfred & Irmgard Schmidt check the mail box at the end of their farm driveway, circa 1946.

80: Alfred Schmidt checks the mail at the road in front of his farm, about 1946.

81: Ruben, Claude, Irmgard, and Alfred Schmidt, November, 1947.