
13: 1893_Deed_August_G_to_FW_Schmidt.jpg

14: Alfred L. Schmidt about 1910.

15: 1911_Herman_Twpa.png

16: The Ernest & Minnie Ruhbusch family, about 1912. Ernest was the uncle of our grandmother Irmgard Ruhbusch Schmidt, so the kids in this photo were her first cousins. Marie, second from right in the back row, was Irmgard's age. The ancestry.com family tree I got the photo from lists the family members as: back, Ernest Jr., Amanda, Helena, Arlo, Marie, Ella; front Minnie (Wilhelmina Schenk), Clara, Minnie, and Ernest.

17: Alfred Schmidt, confirmation photo, age 14, 1916.

18: Alfred Schmidt plays with nephews, about 1918.

19: Alfred L. Schmidt in World War I Army uniform.

20: Brothers Eldor (about 15), Alfred (26), and Ed (24) Schmidt in front of what was later called the "car barn" on the family farmstead.

21: Irmgard Ruhbusch Schmidt when she worked for the family of Jane Bradley Pettit (born Sullivan and adopted by her mother's second husband) in Milwaukee in 1918, the year before she married. Her mother was born on the ship on the way over from Germany - in 1865.

22: Fred W. and Anna Fredericka Schmidt family, about 1918. Back, left to right, Laura Schmidt Otto (about 29), Edmund (24), Adeline (20), Otto (31), Elsie (32), Eldor (15). Front, Alvina Schmidt Wruck (22), "Rika" (52), Alfred (26), Fred (55), and Hildegard (17).