(43/114) 2021-02-07_15-18-38.jpg
Sold off this relay rack
42: keeping silicone sealed with a desicant keeps it from going bad or plugging up.
41: Rayleigh water test
40: 2021-02-01_21-36-04.png
39: 2021-01-31_23-55-03.jpg
38: Germicidal lamp to fiberoptic Rayleigh water test
37: 2021-01-27_00-10-20.jpg
36: Rayleigh water test
35: Rayleigh water test
34: Rayleigh water test
33: Rayleigh water test
44: 2021-02-07_16-21-20.jpg
45: 2021-02-07_16-21-31.jpg
46: 2021-02-07_19-28-46.jpg
47: 2021-02-08_18-43-31.png
48: Martest indicator
49: Old late 1960's electronics died..
50: 2021-02-14_13-47-52.jpg
51: 2021-02-14_14-16-29.jpg
52: 2021-02-14_19-44-42.jpg
53: 2021-02-15_17-41-24.jpg