2014-11-27_18-15-14.jpg (87/106):
86: 2014-11-25_14-59-43.jpg
85: CaptFuller64thNY
84: CulpsHill1
82: Maple Leaf festival
81: Maple Leaf festival
80: Maple Leaf festival
79: Maple Leaf festival with The Sheriff!
78: Maple Leaf festival
77: Maple Leaf festival - With Smiling cowboy
88: 2014-11-27_18-15-41.jpg
89: Thanksgiving feast.
90: 2014-11-27_18-16-24.jpg
91: Thanksgiving feast.
92: Thanksgiving feast.
93: 2014-11-27_19-56-54.jpg
94: Thanksgiving feast.
95: Mud pumping day
96: 2014-11-29_16-57-28.jpg
97: 2014-12-20_19-37-49.jpg