2013-06-08_02-36-54.jpg (43/106):
42: 2013-06-08_02-36-34.jpg
41: 2013-06-08_02-35-16.jpg
40: Lawrence has a resident Bat-mobile!
39: 2013-05-31_23-57-44.jpg
38: 2013-05-26_01-03-56.jpg
37: To-do list - pre plastic peel
36: Yum!
35: The correct size for a bar of chocolate!
34: 2013-04-17_21-12-18.jpg
33: 2013-04-17_21-12-00.jpg
44: 2013-06-08_02-37-50.jpg
45: 2013-06-08_02-37-58.jpg
46: 2013-06-08_07-24-48.jpg
47: At LinuxCNC with a 3D printer
48: At LinuxCNC with a 3D printer
49: Linux CNC a Very big and accurate mill
50: 2013-07-03_14-39-22.jpg
51: 2013-07-03_14-41-06.jpg
52: A Relative of Leeuwenhoek F2
53: This lady is pregnant