2012-12-17_10-33-23.jpg (206/549):
Eyes on the phone
205: So-called wild horses - had free range of island. Chased this one out of the car-port before he made a mess.
204: Norma loves the lights
203: 2012-12-16_16-10-32.jpg
202: Common flowering tree of Puerto Rico
201: 2012-12-16_16-08-58.jpg
200: 2012-12-16_16-08-39.jpg
199: Norma likes flowers
198: Time to start exploring - lots of hermit crabs here
197: 2012-12-16_14-03-25.jpg
196: Teasing mom
207: 2012-12-17_10-34-38.jpg
208: 2012-12-17_10-35-03.jpg
209: 2012-12-17_12-33-30.jpg
210: 2012-12-17_12-34-50.jpg
211: Not any good coffee houses. Had some really bad coffee.
212: 2012-12-17_13-10-09.jpg
213: 2012-12-17_13-11-11.jpg
214: 2012-12-17_13-11-30.jpg
215: 2012-12-17_13-11-49.jpg
216: 2012-12-17_13-12-10.jpg