2012-12-16_14-01-22.jpg (194/549):
193: Tradewinds Restruant
192: Have to love the wires
191: 2012-12-16_07-46-23.jpg
190: 2012-12-09_14-42-48.jpg
189: *
188: *
187: Norma likes flowers
186: Muscle man
185: This one is tacky
184: Something about these are beautiful - there is life and death as one.
195: Looking out to sea
196: Teasing mom
197: 2012-12-16_14-03-25.jpg
198: Time to start exploring - lots of hermit crabs here
199: Norma likes flowers
200: 2012-12-16_16-08-39.jpg
201: 2012-12-16_16-08-58.jpg
202: Common flowering tree of Puerto Rico
203: 2012-12-16_16-10-32.jpg
204: Norma loves the lights