2012-05-31_14-39-26.jpg (121/549):
Swee took this
120: *
119: Tall ship
118: Laughing by the ship docks
117: Love this street name
116: 2012-05-29_14-58-04.jpg
115: 2012-05-29_14-56-12.jpg
114: Soft-drink in a bag.
113: 2012-05-29_14-51-51.jpg
112: 2012-05-29_14-51-20.jpg
111: 2012-05-29_14-50-45.jpg
122: 2012-05-31_14-39-35.jpg
123: *
124: *
125: Glass mirror building
126: Navy Whites
127: life is a beach
128: Always love the beach - this had cold water - and not many shells
129: Flowers
130: Flowers
131: Mixed colors