(26/100) 2010-03-31_11-14-55_photo_033110_002.jpg
25: 2010-03-31_11-13-02_photo_033110_001.jpg
24: virginal Prop progress
23: 2010-03-23_19-50-52_photo_032310_001.jpg
22: Props for the painting
21: A lot different than the weather in Texas
20: Virginal for the Vermeer project
19: Virginal for the Vermeer project
18: Virginal for the Vermeer project - getting keyboard from junk pianos.
17: Virginal for the Vermeer project
16: Virginal for the Vermeer project
27: 2010-04-03_13-32-42_photo_040310_001.jpg
28: 2010-04-07_001.jpg
29: 2010-04-07_003.jpg
30: Much progress on the prop
31: Zero-G chair details
32: Zero-G chair details
33: Working on the shading prop for the studio.
34: Working on the shading prop for the studio.
35: Working on the shading prop for the studio.
36: 2010-09-06_0005.jpg