(45/172) 2008-03-13_23-15-47_img_0060.jpg
44: People walking towards the volcano
43: Decided not to jump into the volcano. I miss that hat!
42: 2008-03-13_23-12-13_img_0055.jpg
41: Looking into the volcano - sulfur smelling fog - to the right you can see the source.
40: On the way to the volcano
39: 2008-03-13_22-39-22_img_0051.jpg
38: 2008-03-13_22-39-17_img_0050.jpg
37: On the road from the coffee plantation.
36: 2008-03-13_21-45-29_img_0048.jpg
35: 2008-03-13_21-30-37_img_0047.jpg
46: 2008-03-13_23-15-50_img_0061.jpg
47: 2008-03-13_23-15-52_img_0062.jpg
48: 2008-03-13_23-20-05_img_0063.jpg
49: 2008-03-14_00-05-14_img_0064.jpg
50: Humming birds
51: Humming birds
52: 2008-03-14_00-57-29_img_0070.jpg
53: 2008-03-14_00-57-37_img_0071.jpg
54: Bird of paradise
55: 2008-03-14_01-35-01_img_0075.jpg